1st North Carolina Volunteers/11th North Carolina Troops
General uniform Regulations
New members joining the 1st North Carolina Volunteers/11th North Carolina Troops will be required to purchase uniforms and equipment conforming to the regiment’s regulations. To assist new recruits sorting through the variety of equipment and uniforms, we provide a comprehensive uniform booklet that new members receive upon the acceptance of their application by the Regiment. This booklet includes an illustrated list of the various uniforms, equipment, samples of cloth types/colors, and a list of recommended sutlers where a recruit can purchase their equipment with confidence. This page provides you with a general overview of our uniform regulations. We strongly recommend that a new recruit talk to more experienced members of the Regiment before making a purchase, and if possible, take a member with him when purchasing equipment and uniforms at major events. There is nothing more frustrating than to purchase something only to discover that you have bought the wrong style for use in the unit. (uniform revisions will supercede any item listed below)
Jefferson Booties (brogans)
Socks - Wool or 100% cotton (proper type, NO colored bands, etc)
Suspenders - white, linen, pillow ticking, etc. (No slide adjusters or elastic materials)
Shirt – white muslin, cotton, linen, checks, stripes, plaids, plain colored
Musket – 3 band Musket and proper bayonet. Either Enfield M1853, Springfield M1861, or earlier style 3 band musket
Cartridge box and shoulder strap, type I. Either black leather or tarred canvas (with tin inserts)
Cap pouch, Either black leather or tarred canvas
Scabbard & Frog - black leather, British Enfield style (for Enfield musket) OR U.S. scabbard & belt frog (for Springfield musket)
Haversack – white linen or black tarred canvas
Blanket – wool grayish, tan, brown, or dark blue blanket. Correct weight (4-5 lbs) & weave (no quilts).
Kepi –Gray mixed wool, low crown French design, no trim or bugles, only a brass #1 on top
Frock Coat - Gray mixed wool, single breasted, 7 button front with US eagle or state seal buttons, no trim
Trousers – federal issue dark blue wool
Belt & buckle – white buff leather with plain brass of inverted U.S. oval buckle
Cartridge box and shoulder strap, type I, white buff leather strap with inverted eagle breast plate on strap and black leather box
Canteen – type manufactured prior to 1861, (ex. smoothside with dark blue wool cover)
(1st NC Volunteer uniforms are to be clean and in good order for each event in which they will be used.)
Uniform of the 11th NC Troops
Forage cap or slouch hat – NC manufactured cloth (gray jeans cloth), no trim, OR a civilian style period hat: (plug, sugar loaf, wheel hat, or planter)
N.C. Issue shell jacket - NC manufactured cloth (gray jeans cloth) with brass state seal or NC sunburst buttons, no trim. Must be correct pattern. See an Officer or Inspector General for best current production source
Trousers - NC manufactured cloth (jeans cloth), gray or brown color, civilian pants of wool or jeans in shades of brown, tan, and gray are optional for field use, No Federal Sky Blue
Haversack – any proper period type or design
Canteen – any pattern or style from 1861-1865 such as: tin round drum, wooden drum style, tin smooth side bar or with jeanscloth cover, with canvas or leather sling
waist belt & buckle –black leather or tarred canvas with roller or frame buckle. (No NC or CS ovals)
All uniforms and equipment are to be kept in good, serviceable condition.
Suggested, Optional Equipment
Poncho/gum blanket – Must be of proper material and design
Greatcoat - Either Gray or Federal sky blue, must be of proper material and design,
Tentage – “A” frame or dog tent / shelter halves are permitted (no wall tents)